Easygrowing - Kinrose

The DMV sound is always evolving but stays true to its core. 24-year-old PG County native Kinrose delivers his debut EP Easygrowing, providing a much needed soundtrack as we enter into springtime. You feel a sense of blossoming as Kinrose paints a vivid depiction of growth and acceptance through his passionate melodies and reflection. 

Kinrose’s voice inflections sharpen his storytelling skills. Even with his laid back approach, listeners are given the chance to enter into his safe space of self reflection. On “aloof on a roof,” Kinrose reflects on being a black college student and learning how to maneuver in a mostly white environment… finding the balance between having fun, while not becoming a victim to those moments of bliss. His crooning on “aloof on a roof” is soothing, but telling within itself. You can feel his frustrations toward always having to be on his p’s and q’s, while his peers are given the grace to be easy going due to the benefits of classism. 

The 5-track EP centers around growth and exhibits Kinrose’s coolheadeedness. He finds melodies that compliment his pacing and messaging. On “cloudy air” Kinrose expresses his reasons for isolation - he’s focused on obtaining his idea of success. The project is smothered in hope and optimism, despite the challenges he has to overcome.  He understands he has to find peace and grace, and is willing to do the work. 


To a Dark Boy - Wakai


THEGUUDS w/ Ogi, KADOLEAF, Kinrose, Sækyi, Tommy Richman, mamadou, T H R O N E, Kingjp , Chanel Loren, and Pote Baby