Evil Twin - Fatboyshaun & Ricky Mapes

Texas' very own Fatboyshaun and Bronx native Ricky Mapes team up for their latest project Evil Twin. This project is filled with many high moments and engaging artistic gestures that display the personas of both artists with grace. The beauty of this match-up is their delivery, and unique voice inflictions compliment each other. The production provided by Cuffedgod, Koren, GRIMM Doza, Mirco, and Kid Mozes creates a comfortable space for both emcees to glide through different pockets and provide abstract storytelling.

While they both can find a groove on the heavy lofi sample production, they differ in styles. Mapes' delivery on "Joe Dirt" is sharp and leaves no space for error. Shaun's pacing on "Doc Martine" feels climatic against the wicked string sample production. On songs like "$5 Advil" and "Zoo York," they pull the best out of each other, which shines a bright light on their chemistry.

This tape feels like two friends shooting the shit over characteristic samples while seeing who can say the smoothest metaphor in the room. Earlier this year, Ricky Mapes released a few singles, "BIG MAPES," being one that reached our radar. Last year, Fatboyshaun released two projects, $100 Pasta Plates and Scalping Tickets To Get To Heaven.


THEGUUDS w/ lamuse, Francesca Wexler, Thorne Malik., Kwajo, & Bazio


Highway - Highway