Bicoastal - Bathe


Brooklyn based R&B duo Bathe (composed of Devin Hobdy and Corey Smith-West) guides us through a peaceful transition from summer into fall with their latest project Bicoastal. This project embodies the feeling of hoodie weather music. Their approach towards ambient alt R&B is distinct and comforting. The duo is not afraid to blur genre lines while still keeping to their core.


Rounding off at 25-minutes, the duos maturity and growth is evident. They are beyond pouring their hearts out on the basketball court in feetal position. Both are yearning for something deeper than a summer fling and coming to terms with the depleting effects of settling. 

The title track “Bicoastal” is transcending. The soothing vocals supported by the heavy traditional rnb production; it’s clear that the emerging musicians appreciate the greats before them. This shit feel like Maxwell’s BLACKsummers’night infused with Frank Ocean Blonde. 


Their chemistry goes unmatched. Hobdy’s vocals supported by Smith-West loose but steady guitar arrangements delivers a divine path of tranquility. 

This project makes listeners take a step back and look at what’s around them. It’s easy to get caught up in the superficials of life and forget what’s important; life itself. Allowing gravitational pull to be the force beneath strong bass lines and astronomical layers to fill in those moments of silence.


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